Behind Doors: Alicia Crossley

Alicia Crossley | Bass Recorder

Alicia Crossley is one of Australia’s leading recorder players who performs a wide variety of repertoire from renaissance dance tunes to contemporary electro-acoustic works. Alicia regularly performs throughout Australia and has toured in the USA and New Zealand. She has also presented works at a number of festivals and conferences including the Metropolis New Music Festival (Melbourne, 2017), Electro Fringe (Sydney, 2016, 2017), Aurora Festival (Sydney 2012, 2014), Vivid Festival (Sydney 2013), Australasian Computer Music Conference (Brisbane, 2012), Electronic Music Midwest (Chicago, 2012), and SEAMUS (Minnesota, 2013).

Executive Producer: Judith Neilson AM


Behind Doors: Loretta Palmeiro & Mark Isaacs


Behind Doors: Zane Banks