Behind Doors: Goodwin Family

Andrew Goodwin | Tenor
Maria Timofeeva | Mezzo soprano
Alexander Goodwin | Vocals & Accordion

1. Smile | Charlie Chaplin
2. Sous le ciel de Paris | Hubert Giraud
3. O Sole Mio | Eduardo di Capua
4. Misty morning | Anasa
5. Burn, burn my star | Vladimir Sabinina
6. If you love me | Marguerite Monnot
7. When I fall in love | Edvard Heyman
8. For you | John Denver
9. Angel of the morning | Chip Taylor


A passion for singing brings the Goodwin family together for the first performance in the Behind Doors series. While studying singing and acting at the St Petersburg Academy for Dramatic Art, Maria met her future husband, Sydney born Andrew Goodwin who was studying singing at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory.
In 2006, the couple moved to London where Andrew completed a postgraduate diploma in vocal studies at the Royal Academy of Music. Since, Andrew has toured extensively throughout Europe, Asia and Australia. Maria has performed in many of the prestigious halls of Russia and Europe and now, she now divides her time between solo singing engagements and her teaching career. Their son Alexander is an exceptional singer who also studies the piano, piano accordion and acting.


Executive Producer: Judith Neilson AM


Behind Doors: Mike Nock (Jazz Piano Improvisation)


Behind Doors: Ngaiire